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🙌💫Extrodinair Detox💫🙌

As many of you know, every year for the last ten years I start the year with a 90 day Detox….


This is not just a physical detox, it’s a mental one as well…


Many people ask me about the detox and some join me, so what does my detox look like?


Well over the years I have made it harder and harder…so if this is your first year be kind to yourself…this is your detox…but you have to follow some fundamental rules….


  1. Once you set your detox parameters you can’t change them

  2. You can’t break your parameters(no cheating) once you do the detox is over and you have to wait a year again.

  3. Be honest if you break your detox and try and tell the group and why you did it.

  4. The harder the detox the more benefits you will feel.

  5. It has to be 90 days.

  6. It has to include, diet, substance and internet modifications.


This is in order of my perceived difficulty level:

-No cheat days, you cheat, it’s over

-5 Day water fast at start(if this is your first time 3 days or less is fine, drink salty water if you get a headache, break the fast if you feel faint or have a super pounding headache or any heart changes, but break the fast with healthy juice or the magic soup)

-90 Days, No Cheat Days

-No media/news/social media/porn/gambling (apart from related to your profession or your work and even then keep it to a minimum) delete the social apps and place site blockers to stop you going to all the sites you normally go to.

-No alcohol

-No drugs, legal or illegal unless prescribed by a doctor and necessary, try and stay off stimulants such as adderall, caffeine, Red Bull ect)   

-No simple/processed carbs(this includes bread, potatoes, rice, this is one of the hardest thing to do in the food area but one of the most important)

-No processed sugar(fruit sugar is fine as long as it’s not processed)

-No meat(if you absolutely can’t do this, chicken once a week for your first detox is okay)

-No dairy

-No processed foods even if it meets the criteria above for example no impossible burgers, vegan chicken nuggets ect

-Exercise at least 5 times a week(whatever you want but has to break a sweat and be for at least 60 minutes)

-Sex is not only allowed but encouraged


So what the hell do I eat? Fish, Fruits, Nuts, Salads, Vegetables


The benefits are incredible:

-Significant weight loss while building muscle mass(as long as you work out, weight training is optimal), a lean strong body.

-At least 5x productivity

-Grey hairs disappear(if your as old as me 🤣)

-Better mental health/happier

-Better sleep

-Most health problems disappear

-Your senses increase in clarity

-Your mental acuity increases



A lot of people ask me with those benefits why I don’t do it all year? Well I have tried, I tried 4 months and it ended up being 10x more difficult, I think the mind can process 90 days easily after that you loose track of the end. I also think it is good to give your body some variability, stressing your body a little can actually be a good thing.


Other people ask me why I just don’t do a moderate diet across the year? I take inspiration from Socrates “know thyself” I am a person of extremes, and for me moderating throughout the year is akin to running a marathon without an end. There is something special in being to have no guilt for whatever I eat or drink for the rest of the year, because I know I have already put in the hard work.


One of the hardest things was cutting out all news and media, I had to put blockers on my phone and laptop, and it’s incredible how addictive typing cnn ect into the browser without even thinking about it is. It’s going to be interesting to see what’s happened in the last 3 months!


A little word on failure:

If you honestly can say to yourself you had a momentarily mistake, such as somebody passed you a glass of wine and you had a sip without thinking, that is not breaking the detox. You have to have intention to break the detox, however once you do it’s over. However that also does not mean failure as long as the next year you do longer than the year before.


If you feel a little sick/nauseous/headache this is normal as your body readjusts if you are worried break the fast or consult a doctor. Normally a little water with salt or a fruit juice will clear anything.


When to start? The detox always starts after the firsts night sleep after New Years…for most people that will be the day of the first, for heavy party people it could be the 2nd and for you crazy’s even the 3rd…it always ends at midnight on the 1st of April(yes I know that’s not exactly 90 days but close enough). I use an app called countdown that allows me to see the countdown in different ways for example when I get down to 10,000 minutes I know I’m getting close to the end 😅🤣 try not to go crazy when you end the detox because you will make yourself sick(I made this mistake once) and try and moderate your eating and excess after your detox your body will thank you.


Some pre fast/detox prep:

Make sure before you go to sleep the night before the detox consume :

1) carbs likes rice ,potatoes ect

2) juices, red, green have a lot at your disposal before you sleep

3)water make sure you are hydrated

If you follow the above it will be easier on your body 🙏

Put them by bed side before you go out

So when you come in a little messed up you consume healthy stuff and then sleep…

The next day your body will thank you


Finally you will not see the massive benefits until week 6, the first 6 weeks is really tough….after that it becomes easy and you reap all the benefits. If you don’t make it to week 6 apart from a little weight loss you won’t see many benefits.


Try and mediate at least once a week, the more the better…yoga is a good substitute…


If you need support ask me or the group for help or encouragement, we are all here to help each other, if you mess up don’t berate yourself, just try again next year.


And yes I have failed. Once.😅 One thing I have learnt is that you must be in a stable place, trying to do the detox while traveling is almost impossible!


Do things not because they are easy but because they are hard.


The detox is the best and hardest thing I do all year.


That’s my detox.



Healthy Food

Break the fast with this:


Ben's Magic Cure All Soup✨🥣✨

-2 bags frozen fresh organic green peas🍈

-2 bags frozen fresh organic broccoli 🥦

-3 cloves raw garlic 🧄

-Half a root of ginger 🥔

-Half spoon of cayenne pepper🌶

-Dash of salt 🧂

-Almond Milk 🥛


Boil the broccoli and peas until soft. Place everything in blender and blend until smooth. Add salt and almond milk to your taste.

Garlic and ginger are some of nature's strongest anti virals and anti oxidants. It will boost your immune system significantly. This has come from years or research and optimizing the recipe. Take as soon as you feel somthing coming on, it will increase your immune response.

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